Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Police and Helping our Elderly

The following is a great story about help; help provided by two policeman to an elderly gentleman in need. If the police authorities encouraged cops more in this area and the media publicized these good deeds to a greater extent we would be in a better place. Tragic stories of "bad shoots" such as the deaf man in Seattle and police corruption are important but let's remember that the average cop has integrity,courage and a sense of social responsibility clearly illustrated in this report from Victoria BC's Time-Colonist (who deserve kudos) ---

Police help 95-year-old loner, his pension cheques uncashed

A pair of Victoria police officers played Good Samaritans to a 95-year-old man who was discovered living alone in an apartment without heat or lighting, despite having thousands of dollars in uncashed pension cheques.
Constables Jan Malinosky and Rebecca Pollock responded to a 911 call from a “confused elderly male” in the Hillside Shopping Centre area on Thursday afternoon. The officers found the man in good condition, but with no heat or lighting in his apartment.
The officers — Pollock is just three weeks out of training, while Malinosky has about 10 years on the job — checked with B.C. Hydro, and discovered the man was behind on his payments.
Yet a quick look around his apartment revealed that he had a number of uncashed pension cheques “in the area of thousands of dollars,” said Staff Sgt. Kerry Panton, who supervises the officers’ shift,
A Watch.
The officers got the man to write out a cheque to B.C. Hydro, deposited his pension money in the bank for him, paid his bill and arranged for a victims services worker to sit with him until an emergency crew restored the power.
The following night, the officers went back to check on the man, and took him some groceries.
“He was cosy,” Panton said.
Meanwhile, police alerted agencies to make sure someone checks on the man and determines if it is safe for him to be living alone, and to ensure he receives proper care.
Panton praised his officers’ compassionate and “outstanding” work on the file.
“It’s what we often do — the side that people don’t see,” he said.
Police hope to find the man’s family. But if they are unsuccessful, he will not be forgotten over the holiday, Panton said. “If he’s alone on Christmas night,
A Watch is working again, so we’ll make sure he’s got Christmas dinner.”

Read more:

Budd Stewart
Pat Bay International Inc.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Now hold on...

The rain was coming down in fifty gallon drums a few days ago. I saw a lady walking her dog accompanied somewhat reluctantly by who could only have been very good friend. The walker was out of breath, stumbling and bedraggled, the friend was shivering, her shoulders well rounded as the rain came down.

The closest house was at least two hundred yards distant, the traffic was steady and the spray off the tires added to the misery. The walker struggled to hold on to her dog and her sanity I expect. They surely realized that the ditch was becoming a small river as the rain came down.

There are moments that freeze in our memory and this will be one of mine. The two bedraggled walkers in the rain with the Labrador furiously wagging his tail nose to the ground oblivious to all except the fading scent as the rain came down.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Obesity in Pets - Out of Control

When Pat Bay was recognized for having one of the Top Ten Pet Fitness Products for 2010 for our 3M reflective leash and collar covers I had no idea what or who the APOP (Association for Pet Obesity Prevention) was. The competition was run internal to the APOP so the product providers had no idea their products were being reviewed and considered.

The APOP has an important message to pass on. If you want your pet to live as long as possible then keep them fit. It appears that we are not doing a very good job as the following figures from the 2009 APOP study will attest:

  • An Estimated 51.5% of Dogs and Cats in the United States are Overweight or Obese
    • An Estimated 89 million US Dogs and Cats are Overweight or Obese
  • An Estimated 15% of US Dogs and Cats are Obese
    • An Estimated 26 million US Pets are Obese
  • An Estimated 45% of US Dogs are Overweight or Obese (BCS 4-5)
  • An Estimated 8.6% of US Dogs are Obese (BCS 5)
    • 35 million US Dogs are estimated to be Overweight or Obese
    • 6.7 million US Dogs are estimated to be Obese
  • An Estimated 58% of US Cats are Overweight or Obese (BCS 4-5)
  • An Estimated 21.4% of US Cats are Obese (BCS 5)
    • 54 million US Cats are estimated to be Overweight or Obese
    • 20 million US Cats are estimated to be Obese
    2009 US Pet Population (Source:  American Pet Products Manufacturers Association)
    Dogs 77.5 million
    Cats 93.6 million
    Total Dogs and Cats 171 million
  • Approximately 62% of US households own at least one pet = 71.4 million homes
Did you realize a 12 pound Yorkie is the same as an average female weighing 218 pounds and a 14 pound cat is equivalent to a 237 pound man? Did you consider that a 90 pound female Labrador retriever is equal to a 186 pound 5’ 4” female or 217 pound 5’ 9” male or a fluffy feline that weighs 15 pounds is equal to a 218 pound 5’ 4” female or 254 pound 5’ 9” male? Source -APOP

So when you consider giving your dog or cat that extra cupcake or whatever it is think again. That is of course if you want to keep your pet around. They get many of the same diseases we get if we are obese or overweight. Have a look at the APOP website. Some interesting tools and information.

Have to run and take some food out of Jindo's dish!

Be Safe